The city of Vancouver, British Columbia created the EcoDensity Initiative and relaxed regulations to encourage the construction of laneway houses with the intention of increasing density and creating alternative housing options in an unaffordable housing market. Since the inception of the program over 2,660 permits have been issued and density has been increased without altering the character of the neighborhoods.

Fire Safety in 8-storey CLT Wood Innovation Design Centre
Located in Prince George, British Columbia, at the time the six-storey, eight-level Wood Innovation Design Centre was the tallest multi-use wood building in North America at 29.5 meters (97 feet) tall. It is built from cross-laminated timber panels that have inherent fire-stopping qualities in order to demonstrate that tall wood buildings can be safe, cost-effective, and beautiful, while meeting the Provincial Government’s goal to push the limits of innovation beyond what was normally allowed by BC Building Codes.

Structural Strength of 8-Storey CLT Wood Innovation Design Centre
Located in Prince George, British Columbia, the six-storey, eight-level Wood Innovation Design Centre was the tallest multi-use wood building in North America at 29.5 meters (97 feet) tall. It’s structural frame is built from cross laminated timber (CLT) panels and other laminated wood members to demonstrate that tall wood buildings can be structurally sound, cost-effective and beautiful. The Provincial Government’s goal was to push the limits of innovation beyond what was normally allowed by BC Building Codes.